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Dublin airport hotels FAQs

Any queries you have about your current or planned booking for a Dublin airport hotel, should be answered below. If there is still something else you would like to ask us, feel free to contact us and we'll help you with any queries you may have.

What Dublin airport hotels are available to book through®?

There are three Dublin airport hotels to choose from when booking your stay with us. The Premier Inn Dublin airport, Bewley's Hotel Dublin and Hilton Dublin airport hotel.

Is breakfast included?

It's up to you. The Premier Inn only offers room bookings but both Bewleys and the Hilton offer breakfast packages as well as just room bookings.

Will there be transfers to the airport from the hotel?

There are free transfers from the Hilton around every 15 minutes. Bewley's Hotel also provides free transfers with your booking that operate around the clock and only take seven minutes from hotel to airport. The Premier Inn transfers are available on demand for €1 per person.

What do I do if I need to cancel my booking?

You can cancel a booking online if it is 24 hours before your stay, by using our cancellation service. If you need to cancel for any reason, you will get a full refund but incur a £15 cancellation charge per room per night. However, this does not apply to undercover hotels or special rate advanced purchases. If you need to cancel on the day please contact us but you will not get a refund. You can protect yourself with our Cancellation Charge Waiver, where you will not have to pay a cancellation fee if you purchase the protection for as little as 99p per booking.

Are your prices per room or per person?

All the Dublin airport hotel prices are per room per night.

Do the hotels provide disabled facilities?

Yes, all three hotels have disabled facilities.

Do any of the hotels offer parking packages?

Yes. The Hilton hotel offers either eight or 15 day parking packages. The Premier Inn and Bewley's Hotel offer room-only packages.

Can I request a cot?

At all our hotels you can request a cot, completely free of charge. Contact us to request a cot for your room.

Why should I book in advance?

By booking in advance you could save up to 40 per cent with So you'll save money, and guarantee your room and package of choice by pre-booking with us. Our Best Price Guarantee also means you can be sure you're getting the best deal around.
