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Leeds Bradford Airport Hotels FAQs

leeds hotels faqs

We want you to be absolutely happy with every aspect of your booking at a Leeds Bradford airport hotel so we’ve put together answers to the most common customer questions. Hopefully you’ll find all the information you need to book with confidence right here. If not, please contact us and we’ll be happy to help in any way we can.

Why pre-book my Leeds Bradford airport hotel?
Booking your hotel in advance with® is the best and easiest way to get access to savings of up to 40 per cent on the standard price. With hotels, room availability affects prices, this means you're best off making a reservation as soon as you've booked your trip because there’ll be more spaces and so prices will be lower.

Can I amend my hotel booking?
If you book a flexible package you'll be able to make changes to things like dates, times, car registration details and flight times, right up until 24 hours before you're due to travel. If you haven’t booked a flexible package then unfortunately this option isn’t available. To make changes to your flexible package please contact us.

leeds bradford airport hotels faqs

Am I able to cancel my hotel reservation?
If you haven't booked one of our non-amendable and non-refundable packages, you'll be able to easily cancel your booking up until 24 hours before your stay. If you take out our cancellation protection for just a few pounds more, you'll even be able to get a full refund up until 24 hours before your reservation is due to start. If you decide not to take the cancellation protection you can still cancel up to 24 hours in advance of your booking, but there will be a £15.00 administration fee.

Can I book an airport hotel with parking?
Yes, all of the hotels we sell can be booked with an exclusive parking package. You can include parking for up to eight or 15 days and your car will be stored on-site at each hotel. If you go over your pre-booked days it’s not a problem, your car is kept safe and you can just pay locally at the hotel for any extra days.

How can I request an in-room cot?
All you need to do is contact us as soon as possible and we can arrange a cot to be put in your room with the hotel. Alternatively, with some hotels, you can now reserve a cot online when making a booking using our add-ons page.
