Learn the lingo while you fly

Thomsonfly passengers will be able to learn the language of the destination they are flying to with a revolutionary new product from Earworms.

The language learning system developed by Earworms uses the same principle as pop music - catchy little tunes that you simply can't get out of your head. Essential words and phrases are learnt by repeating them to a memorable tune until they stick in the brain.

Ear worms language learning

Thomsonfly is selling Earworms language courses - which include Spanish, French, Italian and German - via its website. The courses are now also available via the in-flight entertainment programme on some flights.

The Earworms approach to learning a language has already proved phenomenally successful. The company's Rapid Spanish course topped the iTunes audiobook chart in the USA ahead of The Da Vinci Code when it was released in January.

"Communication is key to having an enjoyable and safe travel experience. Learning some of the local language before travelling means you can get the most out of your trip, but also get a greater understanding of the culture by being able to converse with local people," comments Thomsonfly commercial director, Guy Stephenson.


Written by: Nick Purdom


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